08H30am - 18H00pm
Call Us: +(593) 052 300 106 / 0991 995 390 / 0991 306 792 / 0994 240 586
info@whalexpeditionsecuador.com - apincay72@gmail.com
We are a tourism operator made up of young, dynamic and enterprising people, with 19 years of professional experience in the operation of sea and land tours, guiding and organizing programs for national and foreign tourists, business groups and educational institutions.
Our area of operation is Puerto Lopez county, Machalilla National Park and the central coast of the Spondylus Route.
Our main objective is to provide quality service and warmth where tourists can enjoy the different activities and services we offer.
To meet these objectives we have marine and terrestrial transportation services, different types of accommodation and food, bilingual and specialized guides.
The greatest credibility of our activities is an excellent team directed by Angel Pincay Quiroz our General Manager and Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism with 25 years of experience guiding in Machalilla National Park
Whale Expeditions - Puerto López - Manabí - Ecuador, we are specialists in adventure and guaranteed fun, in addition we offer 100% safe tours ..!
Certificates, with extensive experience and preparation to offer you the best adventure of your life.
We are located in the city of Puerto López in the Province of Manabi & the Machalilla National Park.
Programs of 1 to 15 days, in all of Ecuador, ask about our seasonal discounts.
We are pioneers in this sport, we know the best places where you can catch the fish of your life.
In all our activities, we have certified equipment with the highest standards of quality.
All our tours are designed by experts in adventure and fun, who wait to book the tour of your life ..!
The high part of the Machalilla National Park is one of the refuges and habitat of a diversity of animals and plants, some of them endemic, which include howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, trogons, orchids, etc.
Mountain bike route ,Machalilla National Park,Agua Blanca Conmunity,Humminbird way,goat way,sport adventure.
Puerto Lopez, Machalilla National Park. Playa de Los Frailes, Agua Blanca Community
The Puerto López marine area is the most important place in Ecuador for whale watching,
bird watching ,Machalilla National Park,Ayampe River,Tumbesina Region,Tour Puerto Lopez
Welcome to Whale Expeditions - Puerto López - Manabí - Ecuador
In addition to our offices, you can book tours or contact us through our portals.
Check your social networks, share with your friends or family the adventure you live with us and our tours.
We are located in the best sector of the city, on the Malecón a few steps from the sea and near the beach bars ..!
We offer the best volunteer options in the Machalilla National Park.
Sport fishing, Isla de la Plata, Snorkeling, Whale watching in season, are some of the activities you can do.
Ask our agency for the lodging recommendations that exist in Puerto López..
Tourist information that marks a worldwide trend, stay informed with us ..!