Puerto Lopez and its parishes are surrounded by a tropical dry forest which is the habitat of countless plant and animal species. Many of them endemic to the world. Before the territory of the National Park was protected, an indiscriminate clear cutting of trees was carried out natives which has caused some areas to become similar to a desert. Space for animals was reduced. In the foot of the region where the vegetal layer of slopes were cut a problem has arisen when each winter season heavy rains cause lot of erosion and landslides which cause problems in town.
These problems have affected reforestation. In coordination with the technical area of Machalilla National Park and the Department of the Environment of the local Municipality, a mission of reforestation of deforested areas and the planting and maintenance of ornamental plants in the city and parks of the region has begun. These activities take place throughout the year.
The main activities that volunteers will carry out in this project are:
- Collecting seeds from the forest.
- Selection and treatment of seeds.
- Collection of plant material and preparation of compost and natural fertilizer.
- Filling of covers with compost and sowing seeds.
- Cleaning of nurseries and transfer of seedlings.
- Seedling of seedlings.